Monday, 22 June 2015

The purpose of the corporate communication is to inform easy jet existing and potential customers that their aircrafts now have allocated seatings instead of first come first serve. The corporate communication illistrates the stress and discomfort of customers having to find remaining seats or struggling to get the chosen seating for them. The business is trying to achieve an increase in customer and repeat purchase as they are showing potential customers that their business is more comfortable and the better choice than other rival businesses. This would then lead to an increase in profit and popularity as customers would prefer Easy Jet than other businesses.
The target audience of the corporate communication is existing customers who would be pleased to learn that Easy Jet provides alloctaed seatings to match their needs. Competitive customers who would fly with rival compaines such as Ryanair, would be encouraged to change to Easy Jet due to their new allocated seating which would differ to their existing choice of business.
Easy Jet would want audiences to choose Easy Jet rather than other rival companies as they are offering a stress-free experience which is shown in the commuinication. Easy Jet would want this to lead to repeat purchase through word of mouth, as if customers are pleased and the corporate communictation meets it's needs, then customers would tell other people and the popularity of the business will grow and resolve to repeat purchase and an increase in sales.
The strength of the communication is that its shows how confusing, uncomfortable and messy trying to get the best seats in an aircraft can be which makes audiences relate to their own personal eperiences with stuggling to mantain good seats. The communication then shows how Easy Jet deals with it by giving allocated seatings and suddenly the communciation turn more into a calm and organised way to travel as the communication shows people entering the aircraft more relaxed and in a regulated way in comparison to very rushed and confusing at the start. This shows audiences how Easy Jet meets the customers needs and offers them a unique feature which adds to their travelling experinece. By showing this on tv it reaches a wider range of audiences which can lead to word of mouth and an increase in potential customers and sales.
The weaknesses of the communication is that it doesn't clearly show the differnence between Easy Jet and other rival companies which already have allocated seatings. This doesnt make it clear to the audience why they should choose Easy Jet over rival businesses as they dont show what they have to offer that other compaines dont. This would make Easy Jet similar to other rival companies rather than better to the audeinces as they havnt got anything different to offer.
Overall the communciation reached its objective in informing audiences and potential cutomers that their aircrafts now regualate in allocated seatings ultimiately giving the cutomers a better and stress-free travel experience, by outlining the difference between allocated and first come first serve seatings. Audiences would take this in account when choosing an airline to fly with as the communication shows passengers entering the aircraft more relaxed and calm due to the new allocated seatings. The communciation could of shown some more uniquness in making sure they are different than any other rival airline so that audiences would have to go for the better choice which would of been Easy Jet.

Sunday, 21 June 2015


The purpose of the corporate communication is to inform already easy jet or potential customers that their planes now have allocated seatings instead of first come first serve. 

Tuesday, 9 June 2015

Comapare the different ways in which conflict between the poor and the powerful are represented in the films you have studied for this topic. (35)

- Introduction - talk about the poverty, power and crime in the films and how important the themes and content of the films are in creating meaning to the audience.

- Tstotsi - barriers between police and poor people.
              - the stabbing of the rich man in train.
              - the meeting of the man in the wheel chair.
              - the fact that police only go in rich neighbourhoods.

-La Haine - real life tapes of people protesting against police.
                 - police corruption, brutality.
                 - the use of words like 'pigs' to describe police officers.
                 - The fancy art gallery in Paris where the boys get thrown out.
- City of God  - Difference between the slums and the city.
                       - Chicken run symbolises the poverty and the thirst to leave to a better place.
                       - Binary oppositions - beach, adds calmness for a minimal amount of time.
                       - Making the kids shoot each other.

Conclusion - how poverty causes crime and how it makes segregation between poor and powerful.